If you find a book in CLIO, the Columbia University Libraries (CUL) online catalog, held by the Augustus C. Long Health Sciences Library, you can request that it be retrieved for you and delivered to one of 12 Morningside Heights Campus libraries (Avery, Barnard, Burke, Business, Butler, East Asian, Engineering, Geology, Journalism, Lehman, Mathematics, Music & Art, Science & Engineering, or Social Work).

For more information on initiating a request, visit the Inter-campus Delivery Service page on the Columbia University Library website.

HSL materials that cannot be retrieved through this service include journals, reserve materials, reference materials, and special collections materials.

HSL books cannot be delivered to the Gottesman Libraries at TC and must be returned to the Morningside Campus library where they were picked up.

Please note that all books from Columbia University Libraries must be returned directly to Columbia University Libraries, rather than to the Gottesman Libraries.